Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Outlet Discount
We have our first nomination for the colorblind award for 2010. Independently, orange and blue can make great palettes for websites. However, these two colors used together are terrible. To make it worse, the web designer uses font colors that would not fit into any color palette, just to make sure that they are difficult to read.
The overall layout here is not bad, but they insist on putting so many products per page that the site feels cluttered and makes for a poor shopping experience.
Once a user makes it to the shopping cart, the site becomes painfully slow and unusable. The form fields are not formatted and it is difficult to determine how to even place an order. The best way to reach epic failure on the web is to make it difficult for your customers to buy your products!

Computer & Ink R Us
When the purpose of your website is selling computer ink, one of the worst things you can do as a web designer is to showcase ugly colors. The logo here is simply hideous. How could anyone trust advice from a company that modeled their logo after Rainbow Brite? The rest of the colors on the site are not any better and a lot of the text is very low contrast and difficult to read.
The image on the home page is overexposed and doesn't appear to have anything to do with selling ink. A small caption could go a long way in this case. It gives your visitors some context for the visual elements on your pages. The navigation is long and the sub-headings are barely distinguishable from the rest of the categories. It is important that your visitors can quickly glance at your menu and find what they are looking for.
Your online store should be an accurate reflection of what your physical store would look like. The sign for Computer & Ink R Us would be so loud and obnoxious that only the disco crowd would shop there.

Kay Lee Roast Meat Joint
All we can say is wow! We had planned on describing how bad the animation is on the Kay Lee Roast Meat Joint, but you should see it for yourself. Go now! All we will tell you is that it features a Ninja pig. Nothing about this website makes us want to chow down on hunks of meat.
At this point, even bad web designers know that placing those stupid counters on your website is a bad idea. This, however, is the first time that we have seen one featured so prominently. If you're bad and you know it, you might as well flaunt it!
The logo and navigation are in frames so you will have no idea where you are if you don't enter on the index page. The logo is blurry and does not match the background and the menu matches nothing on the page at all. If the web designer had only spent more time actually working on a design rather than playing with the meat.

Baby Oxide
Baby Oxide is an absolute mastery of awfulness! It makes us remember the good ol' days of GeoCities (R.I.P.) with its rippling water java applets, animated dripping blood horizontal rules and who could forget the flickering candles. Granted, the site has not changed in 7 years but for Pete's sake man, it is time to bury this thing.
As an experiment in all things terrible, Henry is certainly entitled to create as many crappy .gifs as he wants. After further inspection, we noticed Baby Oxide offers computer and web design services. As a business, this website is truly offensive.
Prospective clients must be able to trust a web designer and be confident in their skills to create a professional presence on the web. If you're creating animated Scotty dogs, you're probably not in any danger of getting many new projects.

This website is so beastly and atrocious that the death in the family is more than likely a heart attack by the webmaster. We are not really sure what the name of the company is because there is no logo and the url is a giant puzzle of words. Notice they do not sell patterns.
The order form consists of a page that you must print and mail in with your payment. You will have to do some research to find the product you want and then you have to double the price and the shipping because they are just too busy to do that for you. Businesses can expand their customer base by selling products online, however in this case they would be better off selling door to door. Notice they do not sell patterns.
There is no navigation on this site at all and every page is different. We discover new pages every time we are there and each one is shockingly dreadful. One more thing we should mention, they do not sell patterns.