Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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CC Supply
There's nothing here. Or is there? Whoever decided to use a nearly invisible font color on a blue background is either completely colorblind, or an idiot. Or both.
Can you read anything? Go head and choose something. Anything. From the nearly invisible list on the left side. Did anything about your display change? Nope? Us neither.
But if you scroll down - way, way down - you'll see what passes for product information. A complete fail. Hopefully this company will hire an actual website development professional next time.
Polish Pages
It seems unlikely that there are enough people in the US (these days) that exclusively speak Polish - enough to need their own 'Polish' website -but we're willing to be enlightened.
It's all in Polish, so we used the English translate button only to find out most of this website is advertisments for other companies. Attorneys, banks, real estate, baptisms...
So what this site seems to be is a repository for Polish businesses in case that's the only kind you're able to deal with (or want to.) It would seem there are enough Polish residents to keep this site up and running, no matter how cluttered and busy it is.
Noisy Oyster Pub
What used to be a website for a popular pub serving seafood is now something completely different. Unless you think a banner image of a city in the People's Republic of China is still somehow related to an oyster pub...
How many times, and for how long do we have to repeat SECURE YOUR WEBSITE ? Seems like we haven't done it enough. It doesn't cost much, but isn't any amount worth it to keep your website from being hacked and stolen?
W. W. Schaub
Someone call Antiques Roadshow, quick! This relic is still live, featuring waving American flags. Not that there's anything wrong with waving an American flags, but animated gifs on a website? Hello 1995! There are much better ways to demonstrate patriotism online these days.
Then again, nothing about this website indicates that it has ever been updated. Projects featured start at 2002 and go until 2008. That's TWELVE YEARS ago. Also, saying you use AutoCad 2000 isn't really impressive, because that means your computers are o-l-d as well.
Hagstoz Silver
In case you can't tell by the featured picture - and who could? - this website is for a company that sells jewelry-making supplies. It's hard to tell, because the same 'product' is shown as Featured, and as Tools. It doesn't look like a tool to us, but whatever.
Other than the cardinal sin of not knowing what your company does at a glance, the Contact page is completely missing its Contact Form. [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"] is in its place. Failing that, there's a Gmail address to use. Gmail. Not "info@" the company's url. Weird.
Having a menu option for Products is pretty useless when the only option is Silver. Of the 29 Products shown, most of them could have been condensed with simple attributes.