Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
After looking at the websites and critiques below, please visit our free advice area.
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Sky View Drive In

Treasure Coast Food Equipment
When we see a bad website, we attempt to quantify what makes it 'bad.' Often, it's a visual mess, and easy to see why someone submitted it to us as an example of a poorly-designed website. Sometimes we have to dig a little bit deeper.
Just look at it. We could've played the keyword game, because you would NOT have guessed that a website about meat processing tools would have keywords such as jet net, vero beach, f dick, and GLOBE. Seriously.
Hey, we don't make this stuff up. These websites are out there, and we thank you for bringing them to our attention.

California Private Investigator license examination
Today's bad website sets some sort of record, but it's a record you don't want to hold. The alert internet user who submitted this website said "It's very long, and alternates between size, font, color, justification, and is a complete mess."
"Very long" doesn't begin to quantify the 130 page-downs it takes to get to the bottom. 130 pages long! No one's got the patience to read all of that, especially the uncategorized mess that is presented here.
When's the last time you were on a website with NO nav options at all? Actually, if you find one, or any bad website, you should be submitting them to us for review.

Another FrontPage Disaster
Show of hands, please: Is it a good idea to show pictures of what you are selling on your website? Maybe right there on the home page? Don't be shy, you don't even have to be a web design professional to answer. Let's see...YES! All of you raised your hands. Of COURSE you should have pictures on your website, especially if you're attempting to rent or sell properties.
Next question: Do you like to click on a navigation option, only to have to click another link to view the content? Of course not.
Lastly - if a company has only two things for sale - would you assume they are relevant in today's busy real estate market? Really, there's no chance of anyone finding this website by searching. There are no keywords at all, no evidence of optimization whatsoever.

DJ Traxx
First of all, apologies for the unusually cropped thumbnail image of the website. It's actually the 'designer' who should be apologizing for creating a website in unresponsive landscape format! That's just the first sin of this bad website.
The landing page is made with mostly static Flash, weird spinny nav choices, blurry photos, inconsistent style from page to page, misspelled words...what ISN'T wrong with it?
These days, mobile device accessibility is not a convenience, it's a must. If your website can't be viewed and used effectively on a smartphone, you might as well cancel your hosting, close the doors of your business, and sit down in your recliner to read your set of Encyclopedia Brittanicas.