Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Circus Historical Society
Q: Who doesn't love the circus?
A: Whoever created this website!
For a website devoted to all things 'Circus', one would think that the website would have a design that brings to mind the magic, mystery and legacy of the Big Top. Alas, that is not the case.
The website does seem to be updated regularly, but why frame your content in a style from the early 2000s? Big bright photos would help, as would a way to communicate with the Society - perhaps a summons to submit your own circus memories or photographs, instead of what happens when you click the 'Contact CHS' button. An email window opens, addressed to...a Gmail account? No one set up email at the domain, it seems. Doing a few searches for 'circus history' brings up only a few simliar (and old) websites. Perhaps there is a void to be filled. Step up, CHS!

Whatever You Need
Every Service Imaginable
Always Affordable,
Often FREE!
That's a pretty bold claim. Then again - looking at this busy, cluttered, somewhat out-of-focus website - why not shoot for the moon? Maybe someone will fall for one of the various things offered on this horrible website. Discount travel? Check. "New Age Hosting" - whatever that is - check. How to Grow Young? Yep - that too.
Common sense should prevail for innocent visitors to this website. There's no location, no phone number, and no idea where the company or companies are located. We weren't about to click on anything on this website, and neither should you.

The Inflatable Church
Here at boogersite.com, we have seen many odd products featured on bad websites. This one, the Inflatable Church, has got to be one of our all-time favorites. Who could not use this? How many times have you said "Dang. If only we had a church, RIGHT NOW." Don't scoff, it could happen more often than you think.
To purchase, it's on sale for 25K euros. Plus shipping, of course. No word on the rental price, but the site helpfully offers translation to Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, and Belgian - just in case.
Ugly websites in themselves aren't a crime, but why have an ugly site when it's so easy to find a company to develop an attractive one? This company has some very interesting products, but they are stuck in a website that is a mess of styles piled together with no cohesive glue.

Superior Web Solutions
If we told you that we'd found the worst website ever - would you believe it? This one you will have to experience for yourselves. One little thumbnail screenshot can't show you the otherworldly horror that is this all-Flash website. iPhone/iPad users - sorry. You won't be able to see a thing, as this website is entirely made of Flash.
If you do visit this site, set some time aside, it is fascinatingly bad. Go ahead, click around. The Studio 1 and Studio 2 areas show some offerings for your website that are simply stunning, in a terrible way. If you decide to Shop, get ready for an elevator ride. Trust us - just do it.
We hope you're in a Halloween mood, because this is a truly scary website.

MJ Fire Protection
Bad websites can be found all over the world, and here's one from the UK. The person who submitted it said: "so much text all over the site, too much to take it all in. Cluttered. And awful design and colours." We agree - and even though WE'RE fond of boogersite yellow, a website selling something as serious as fire protection may want to go with something less glaring.
This is indeed a cluttered website, and there's no reason for it. If you sell and service fire extinguishers, that can be easily presented and described. The use of images (rather than text) to outline services is not going to be searchable or readable, and when you take a small image and make it larger, what happens? That's right - it gets blurry.
We're not ones to point fingers - whoops, actually, yes we are - and in this case, clicking on the link for the person/company taking 'credit' for this monstrosity will show you all you need to know.