Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Silver Lake Research Company
Well this is boring.
Are you still reading? Alright, let's break this down. There's a landing page with really nothing on it. Let's click on each of the three choices.
Company: a page of text.
Products: five tiny logos, each one links to an external site.
Contact: two email addresses, a phone number and a fax number.
That is all, you may go.

It doesn't look terrible, does it? WELL IT SHOULD. It's an old FrontPage site, made in 2006. Nearly the entire site is an image, and good luck figuring out where the company IS considering the only clue is a P.O. box in Massachusetts which is the National Sales Office.
How about some navigation? Some photos of the company's work? Considering their products have "been installed on projects in all corners of the globe?"
The first words on the landing page are "On Line Catalogue" but nope - it's not a link and there's no 'catalogue' to be found. Bad website.

On the surface, today's bad website is just...plain. And boring. With no design to speak of, no call to action, and not even one photo, it's dull.
Underneath it all, there are links to cheapjerseysfree.com, wholesalecheapjerseys2011.com, cheapnhljerseys.cc, aaajerseyschina.com, discountsjerseys.com and more. You get the picture.
On the subpages, there is no navigation whatsoever. Your back button is the only option. We see a 'login' area, but no clue to what that gets you.
Free advice: Hire a professional to develop your business website. There's really no excuse not to.

Hide and Fur
Here at boogersite.com, we see a lot of odd things. Bad websites submitted to us are supposed to be because they are badly designed, but in some cases the submitter calls attention to a weird item on a website that is in itself not necessarily bad. Well - today we've got both. A website suffering from lack of design - AND weird stuff.
Cougar eyeballs. Not even kidding. A pair will cost you $25, and they're from the same animal.
Horse teeth. A moose skull. Rattlesnake rattles. Yellow-bellied marmot hides.
When this site says it's the Web's Leading Fur House, we're not gonna argue.

"A little dirty and run down, but the kids love it." This comment is from a review of the place, but could also apply to the website for FunWorld. Sure, it's really old. Nostalgic, even. Probably like area residents feel about this business. The website almost smells musty, doesn't it?
Here's the issue. What should be front and center on the website, isn't. HOURS! Days and hours! You're invited to call to hear a recorded message, but why? It would take more time to create a custom recording every day than it would to update the website - if indeed whoever made it left an administrative interface behind. Judging by the appearance of the images on this site, that didn't happen.
We're going to excuse the Comic Sans this time, but only because this website is for a kids fun center...