Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Celebrity Websites
It's old. It's busy. It's strange. Most of the links are broken, if indeed they ever worked. A lot of them seem to be made up.
When "In the News" has an article on Aretha Franklin releasing the album So Damn Happy - which happened in 2003 - it's obvious no one's maintaining this site. Still, there are some active linked articles which serve as a kind of time capsule.
There are too many design, navigation and usability sins to list.

When a website is made with Adobe PageMill, it's going to look dated. When it's PageMill 3.0, that means it was created prior to the year 2000. That makes today's bad website a true antique. Technology aside, there's really no excuse for those colors.
Look - if you don't have the budget to hire a professional web developer, there are a lot of free tools out there for small companies that can be used to create a modern website that should suffice. If you're NOT a small company, then you must allocate money in the budget for a professional website. There's just no way around it these days.

What a strange little nugget today's bad website is. First, you have a rendering of lycra-suited gal on the left, looking like she stepped out of an Olivia Newton-John video from 1981. Not sure what her purpose is, but text below her hand-on-hip pose is the questionable "selected by Amazon.com as the Exclusive Provider of IT and Computer Services in Massachusetts to Its Customers."
This website also uses internal linking to the fullest, making the site nearly unreadable by human eyes (a big mistake) and it's unsecured "store" is completely devoid of products.
The 'footer,' if you can call it that, is nothing but a textbook example of keyword stuffing. Amazon - you may want to rethink your selection.

Quantum Solutions
Looks professional, doesn't it? Sure, until you start reading the content. It's all filler text. Google will helpfully offer to translate the Latin, but there's no point.
Someone went to the trouble of creating a website with nice headings, then either forgot to finish or lost interest. This company offers help to those that need a website, and don't know where to start. But that's all - just the start. You'll have to turn elsewhere for the rest.
The copyright date is 2016 (and we're near the end of 2018) so it doesn't seem that simple laziness is to blame.

Here at boogersite.com, we get a lot of websites submitted to us as "down." Sometimes, by the time we get around to checking them out, they have been restored or otherwise fixed. Today's bad website, or rather - absent website - is one that didn't come back to life.
If you need to take a website 'down' for "scheduled maintenance," you'd likely have a plan in place to make that as efficient of a process as possible. After hours, on a Sunday...whatever would work best to minimize downtime.
This website came to our attention in mid-summer. July. It is now November 1st.
Our conclusion is that the place went out of business and rather than cancel or kill the site, it was left with its figurative pants down, maybe until the hosting runs out.