Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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When this bad website was submitted, we didn't realize that what was submitted was not the landing page - as we were mesmerized that something called "rumpology" exists. Please do explore the entire awful website, because it employs the same terrible design throughout.
Apparently, Sylvester and Frank Stallone's mama has a multi-faceted career of her own as an astrologer, psychic, Dean of a University, author...but most interestingly as a Rumpologist. There's no concise way to paraphrase the content, you must enjoy it for yourself in its entirety.
The real sin here is the crummy, outdated 'design.' Content aside, if these businesses were successful, surely some funds could be put toward a better website.

Bad Website

Multi-flow Dispensers
Here at boogersite, we're always surprised to find Flash still in use on websites. At all. Today's bad website is nothing BUT Flash. All a person has to do is Google "should I use Flash on my website?" to see many articles - some dating back to 2010 - on why it's a bad idea.
So why companies still feature Flash is a mystery. You start out by alientating ANYONE with an iPhone. Think about that. According to statistia, 43.5% of people in the US own an iPhone, and that was in 2015. That number is expected to increase. After that, you also miss out on anyone who doesn't have Adobe Flash installed, which is no wonder due to the security issues and incessant updates required.
If your website uses Flash - anywhere - it's really time to deal with it. Bite the bullet and contact our sponsor, they will be happy to help.

Empire Sheet Metal
Regarding this website - are you dazzled? Impressed? Blinded? It sure is shiny, isn't it? A crow would love it. But you know what wouldn't love it? SEARCH ENGINES. The majority of content on today's bad website is image-based. In fact, most of it, other than the menu, is a picture.
That's no way to present your services to someone not already on your website. If a potential customer was out there in the world, searching for what you offer - you MUST do everything possible to ensure your website content is searchable. Especially in the case of today's website - the content is THERE! Someone went to the trouble of writing it...and then someone else went to the trouble of hiding it from search engines by using the content as an image.

A-Karrasel Child Care
Sometimes, a website might actually be good - but if you can't get to it or use it, it automatically fails.
Today's bad website starts with a screen that says your browser is being "checked." The only other thing on that blank page is a "continue" button, so we clicked it.
After that, you'll be subjected to a blinking slideshow. Endlessly. You cannot even scroll down. Chrome, Firefox...same result. Makes you wonder what that "browser checking" nonsense was all about.
Shrug. At this point, we've lost interest.