Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Castruction Company
Old-fashioned doesn't necessarily mean 'bad', and it this case, it's not terrible, we've definitely seen worse. What is unusual is having clickable email addresses right there on the landing page, we're guessing this place is inundated with spam. A definite curiosity is why most employees were given an email address @domain, but someone's got the old-timey @isp address.
The entire About Us page is an image, as well as the Flyer page. If you already have and pay for a website, turn that content into text already! All of that equipment, capabilites and specialties are invisible to search engines.

W.J. Ugli Co.
The text you cannot fully see because this site is not (among other sins) responsive is lecturing that 'extravagance be replaced with common sense and reason'. We'd argue that some 'extravagance' should've gone toward web design.
The Home link doesn't work from any sub-page, the photos in the various Galleries are inconsistent, and the site's not secure. But that's okay. We don't think it gets much traffic...
With 'over 50 years in business' you'd think someone might have mentioned their need for a more modern website.

Virginia Golf Course
Today's bad website comes to you courtesy of WordPress. We all know it's an inexpensive way to put a website out there, but it helps if you actually complete it before publishing.
Seriously - this is the end of September, and this welcome page is all that's been out there since April? It's a golf course! That missed the entire season! Would it have been so hard to put an address, hours, phone number, and maybe a photo on the landing page? OR - perhaps hire a professional web developer.

At first glance, you might think - oh, that's not so bad, the banner image just isn't loading. Clearly, that's a problem someone should have been aware of and fixed - but that's not the most serious problem. This unsecured site has been infiltrated by an Indian company called Exness, which has peppered the site with links to their sites and product.
They're getting better at hacking, as you probably didn't even notice. However, if you hover over the underlined or colored text throughout the body of this site - you'll see the link it's poised to open in the bottom left of the screen.
SECURE YOUR WEBSITE. Or don't...it's up to you.

When someone feels the need to enhance or alter their appearance, they may turn to the Internet for potential solutions. If that person landed on this website, we wonder what their reaction would be.
One of the featured treatments is misspelled at the top, although it's just one of the many many misspellings throughout (forhead, Nephertiti, treamtment).
There's a somewhat funny statement made as a reason for using this company - they will 'enhance' any facial features that bother you. Sounds like the opposite of what a person would want.
Shrug - it's up to you to decide. Maybe spelling and design isn't their strong suit but their services are.