Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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HAL Mfg. Co.
You can see what's wrong here at a glance - not only is today's bad website non-responsive, it's not even left-justified so you have to go driving around just to see the content. Secondly...is that a yahoo email address in the header? Seriously??
Clicking on the generically named Catalog One does show results, but Catalog Two is nothing but an error page denying its own existence.
The landing page text you see is repeated throughout the site (WHY?). The copywriter seems to be allerigic to hyphens and addicted to commas. Let's hope they do great design.

Three Rivers Sheet Metal
Deemed unsafe by our browser, we forged ahead on behalf of the alert Internet user who advised us of this bad website.
It sure doesn't look like much, perhaps the nearly blank website is hiding some predators. Hmmm. Looks like a harmless list of clickable Management personnel, and a Downloads page. Let's see. the Go to files link does nothing, the Download free FTP software here starts an instant download of Core FTP Lite, and the instructions for using it were created 11 years ago.
That's literally it, folks. Not even one photo, or shred of design. Shrug. Maybe simple is best, but they really ought to take care of that 'unsafe' problem.

Talk Reason
Pop Quiz, class: What's the number one purpose of the landing page of a website? If you answered "To showcase what you do or sell", you are correct and may be dismissed, because this bad website doesn't do that.
Let's dig in: The topic sentence announces the death of the company founder, in 2013. Our condolences. However, we'll also offer condolences to the utter lack of design whatsoever. There's nothing to lure you in or make you want to stay, unless your hobby is to search for meaning among random paragraphs of unorganized information. And wow is there a LOT.
The last line on the landing page says "Welcome and enjoy!" Enjoy??

Web Design Company
What you probably can't see from the thumbnail to the left is what caused someone to turn this bad website in to us. The text being very small and light gray is a bad idea for any website, but for a design company it's unforgivable. What you can't see are these lines interspersed with the 'content':
[vc_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”] [vc_column_text width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
[/vc_column_text] [/vc_column] [vc_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”] [vc_column_text width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
and so on. Seriously - if you can't manage your OWN website, who would pay you to make one for a business??

Bauserman Group
Well that's embarrassing, isn't it? Here we have the website for a WEB DESIGN company. When someone submits a bad website, one of the things we often do is look at the company who created it. Sometimes, the submitted bad website is really old, and a poor example of the design company's current offerings.
Other times, the creator's website is a hotbed of more bad websites. But not today. All we have is a non-working website, which is not going to inspire anyone to hire this company.