Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Athena Protections
At first glance, this bad website looks white and clean. Nothing wrong with whitespace, right? Then you realize that the whitespace was supposed to have images but they are broken and not displaying.
Moving on to the subpages, About Us is a '404 Not Found' and so is Careers. Services actually lists a few. Contact Us has an error, Contact Form not found.
There really doesn't seem to be much going on here for any company, let alone a 'protection service'.

Circle Mold
It might not even be worth clicking on the thumbnail, there isn't much to see on this bad website.
The 'Facilitiy', Design & Engineering, Equipment, Molds, Service & Quality and Gallery pages are all blank. There's even a quaint old 'Bookmark Us' invitation that (of course) doesn't work.
NOTHING works here. Probably not even people.

Firestone Sheet Metal
We know what you're going to say - "that doesn't look so bad! Even when I clicked on the thumbnail, I see a professional-looking website that is fully responsive!". You are not wrong. However, it is NOT a website for Firestone Sheet Metal. That company went out of business, and until they did, they had a dismal and rudimentary website.
Currently, one of those all-of-the-blogs-in-one-place dumping ground websites has begun to use their url. Why? So that businesses with websites which have a hard time getting inbound links hires a company that does nothing but pepper sites such as this one with 'articles' that link to the poorly-performing website.
It's simply an SEO cheat. If someone tries to sell you this service, show them the door.

Timeless Timbers
Timeless? Or INVISIBLE! Where did the images go? If you want website visitors - even to a bad website - to see what you offer, there really should be quality images. It's not just the landing page either.
Missing images are embarrassing, but so is the use of red or green fonts for text. They are very hard to read, and maybe impossible for colorblind people.

Cleveland Marble Mosaic
When building with marble, one could assume there's not much opportunity to shift or change things once the material is in place. Not so with websites! This old clunker could have and should have been modified to first of all FIT THE SCREEN at the very least. A design - ANY design - would have been another elementary step to improve its appearance.
The Contact Us page invites us to see the Staff Bios page for information, but there is no such page.
With a 'copywright' (!) of 2014, we can assume that is when it was last updated, not created. Websites made in 2014 were much more advanced than this hunk.