Examples of Bad Websites
There are countless examples of embarrassing website designs and development out there. These are the latest examples we have discovered. For each site below we provide a brief analysis to assist you in avoiding the same pitfalls.
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Dempsey Roofing
2009 is the copyright date near the bottom of today's bad website. That doesn't seem too old, does it? It's actually 15 years ago. Nothing's been updated since then that we can see.
Some pages are blank, one is actually still 'under construction' which is ironic for a company in the construction trade. The Projects page, which would be essential for a potential customer to view your work has a SQL error.
Testimonials from 2007 and an employment form that asks you for your social security number all validate that this is an unattended, out-of-touch website. No wonder - the Our Team page is bereft of people.
Pretty blue color though...

Bell Music
We haven't played the keyword game in a while, so let's! JUKEBOX SHARON PA, PENNSYLVANIA, YOUNGSTOWN, JUKEBOX AKRON OHIO, ATM, MUSIC, DIGITAL, JUKEBOXES, JUKEBOX, JUKEBOX, JUKE BOX, juke box, atm, video games, pinball games, video game rentals, jukebox, CD jukebox, jukebox rental
If you were seeking a JUKEBOX, you may have come to the right place. No need to shout about it however, or repeat yourself several times. Oh...and haven't you heard? Keywords aren't used anymore. Then again, it looks like the website hasn't been updated since its creation...

Polymer Chain Inc.
What's that you say? You can't read Chinese? Well neither can we, and we suspect the target audience for this American company can't read it either.
When companies don't hire a professional web developer or use a professional hosting company, they're risking more than the presumed savings was worth. You may want to do business with your local Chamber of Commerce members, or even throw a bit of business to a relative, but that decision could be costly.
Your business relies more than ever on its online presence, this is NOT the time or place to be cheap.

TEI International
When the only Google review states "Closed, closed , out of business, mighty closed." (and it's from 2008), one might assume this place is out of business.
But is it? There's no way of knowing. YES, the appearance is dated. YES the photos are not the correct resolution and they're blurry. But the content is for a company that offers very relevant services.
Make sure you have something on your website that lets people know you are OPEN FOR BUSINESS and hoping to earn theirs.

Everest International
Holy color palette! Pink might be the only one left out - but wait, it's on subpages. Along with every other color of the rainbow...on a brown background.
This bad website is for a consulting service dealing with scientific issues regarding polymers, elastomers and other compounds. That's a big business! Is it not paying much these days?
It's hard to get past the circus of colors to see if there's any useful content here. Your mileage may vary.